- Did you know that respiratory disease is the second leading cause of admission to hospital and death in this country? The latest data showed respiratory diseases cause recorded warding 12.41 percent while 21.7 percent more deaths.
Respiratory disease is a serious health problem among Malaysians as a result we often exposed to all kinds of viruses and bacteria in the environment of a warm tropical weather in the country. Of course it triggers concern the existence of disease the most pressing in the respiratory category i.e. Pneumonia From Community (CAP).
Pneumonia is inflammation that affects parts of the absorption of oxygen in the lungs or simply known lung infections. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection or viruses which are also microorganisms.
This disease causes respiratory failure triggered by a combination of infection and inflammation, namely action lungs filled with fluid and become hard. The difficulty inextracting oxygen may require a long period mechanical ventilation to survive.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common bacteria cause CAP and it was known as Pneumococcal CAP. This microorganism is one of the main causes of death and hospitalization wards around the world. It is classified as non-invasive when bacteria infection in the lungs, but was not detected in the blood at the same time. On the other hand, invasive bacteria entering the blood vessels (bacteraemia pneumonia) or any other part of the body and the most severe type.
CAP is different from the pneumonia from the hospital i.e. diseases that come from patients who live in an environment of health care system in the long run or recently visited the hospital.
The literal understanding of CAP is we get pneumonia through everyday life in communities such as mixed with the public, is in a situation of congestion or socialize.

In most developed countries, the number of residents over the age of 65 years is expected to grow more than 250 per cent including the Philippines, Malaysia, India and Bangladesh. These statistics show the alarming rate of disease among adults and indications to the need to address the effects of pneumonia among adults.
Many factors cause someone infected with pneumonia and it's more dangerous to those who have a weak immune system. Existing health complications such as pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic blockage which is lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe, liver disease, cancer and diabetes can cause they are more likely to get pneumonia.
Other factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake and living environment also reduces the immune system and cause they are easily exposed to the risk of developing infections, tend to get complications and death.
The more the age calculated the majority of infection sufferer's immune capability because MARK low and weak naturally due to aging. These include senior citizens healthy and active. For example, pilgrimage and umrah is an ideal setting to get the CAP.
Research showed that pneumonia is the largest cause of admission wards by pilgrims during the season of worship with respect to 19.7 per cent rate of admission to hospital. Hajj attracted millions of humans from all over the world to assemble in a limited area and time and this facilitates the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics.
Pneumonia is transmitted from human to human through respiratory air drops such as sneezing and coughing. Thus, Hajj allows a good environment for the spread of the disease involved.
However, the good news is the CAP is a disease that can be prevented with the use of vaccines and cures have been in place since two centuries ago. Review the latest known Attempted Immunisation CAP among adults (CAPita) investigate the effectiveness of the vaccine for immunity in the form of groups among adults over the age of 65 years.
This is the first trial linked to pneumococcal vaccine to adults that emphasizes the efficiency of vaccine pneumococcal for adults. CAPita research to strengthen the key role in immunisation to reduce the incidence and burden of pneumococcal vaccine pneumococcal invasive disease and CAP (IPD) among senior citizens.
As reported in this study, about 45.6 percent less in the first episode, they were kind of CAP among those who have injected compared to those taking placebo (a capsule gelatin).
The Group also found that injected vaccine suffered a 45 percent less than the first episode CAP not invasive and not bacteria. The case caused IPD also reduced by 75 per cent and this shows the vaccinations to CAP surely will reduce the burden of significant disease among adults.
It is important for us to be alerted with a CAP that is easily infected when we're in an area crowded with people such as schools, markets, fairs or holiday travel to the destination.
CAPita also showed that vaccination fit given priority because it is the most efficient State to protect themselves from the CAP and other infectious diseases that are life-threatening. The benefits of vaccinations exceeded the costs associated with the development and administration. It is also a good economic choice because potentially prevent death and admission to the ward as a result of reducing the cost of treatment, care and rehabilitation.