Tips on dealing with outbreaks of MERS-CoV:
1. Always adopt a high level of hygiene such as frequent hand washing using water and SOAP or detergent hand (hand sanitizer), especially after coughing, sneezing or after shaking hands.
2. During the duration of the visits, always brings together cover the mouth and nose (mask) and detergent hand (hand sanitizer) for use when necessary.
3. when the duration of the visits, avoid visiting residential or health care institutions involved in infection outbreak MERS-CoV in the country concerned.
4. Specifically for visitors to the country in the Arabian peninsula, during the duration of the visits:
-Avoid to visit farm animals or touching any type of animal.
-Avoid drinking raw milk camel or camel urine.
-Avoid eating foods that are not cooked properly, especially the camel meat.

-Until 23 June 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a total of 1,345cases confirmed MERS-CoV include at least 479 deaths reported in all countries who are infected. Of the total, 174 cases of confirmed infected MERS-CoV including 27 deaths reported in South Korea.
-Detection of suspected cases or Patient Under Investigation (PUI) for MERS-CoV detected either during screening at the entrance of international countries, hospital or clinic will be referred to receive inspection and further treatment at the hospital identified.
-From January 2013 the Ministry of health through the CPRC Kebangsaan (National Crisis Preparedness Response Centre) has received a total of almost 803 notification case PUI MERS-CoV from around the country.
-All cases PUI MERS-CoV certified as free from infection MERS-CoV through laboratory tests that have been carried out, but one positive case is detected before in April 2014.
Although the first positive cases detected in Malaysia in April 2014 was not successfully saved, but have tested the effectiveness of a variety of preparedness and responses carried out the Ministry of health.