Our heart rate controlled natural pacemaker called the sinus node (SA) located in the right atrium at the top of the heart. This resulted in the sinus node electrical impulses that trigger each rate.
Electrical impulses from the sinus node move across the atrium causing muscle atrium contracted and pumping blood into the ventricle.
With electrical impulses then arrive at the cluster of cells named atrioventrikel (AV) node, which is also a single signal path for moving from the atrium to the ventricle at the bottom of the heart.
The AV node slows down the electrical signal before sending it to the ventricle, and the delay allows the ventricles are filled with blood. The ventricular muscle that receives electrical impulses will shrink and pumping blood to the lungs and other parts of the body.
For individuals with a healthy heart, the process went well and produce a normal heartbeat rate between 60 to 100 your heartbeats per minute.
The problem of uneven heart beat (arrhythmia) amplitudes either too fast or too slow occurs when electrical impulses to coordinate heart does not function properly.
The heart beats too fast is measured when the heart rate over 100 beats per minute while a beat too slow when the heartbeat of less 60 beats per minute. Most of this heart rhythm disorder is harmless and can happen to individuals with a healthy heart.
This is because not all problems are caused by heart rate beats heart unhealthy. Heart rate can be too fast when someone doing exercise and become too slow during sleep or relax. However, it is also not things that can be taken lightly because uneven heart beats may interfere with life and life-threatening.
Uneven heart rate rhythm occurs due to various factors, in addition to a heart attack one can also get heart problems as a result of the rate of salt mines or electrolyte disorders in the body imbalance, clogged arteries, changes of heart muscle, injury of heart tissue (SCAR) as a result of aging, heart attack or high blood pressure.
Other causes can occur due to illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, pressure feeling, treatment, drug abuse, smoking, exposed to electric shock,drinking too much alcohol or caffeine also contribute to this problem.

A variety of herbs can also be used for treating heart beats rhythm problems but it does not give permanent recovery, on the other hand just control problems.
Types of arrhythmia
1. Atrial Fibrillation
The top of the heart, namely atrial beats uneven which is faster than beating effectively to bring blood into the ventricle. This problem can cause the blood vessels blockage, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications.
2. Bradycardia
Slow heart rate that is less than 60 per minute rate for adults. However, a slow heart rate depends on the age and fitness level because for certain people, it does not present a problem.
Slow heart rhythm caused by the sinus node electrical impulses are not troubled, divert water from the atrium to the ventricle, metabolic problems such as hypothyroidism and heart damage due to heart disease.
3. Conduction Disorders
Electrical conduction of the heart is interrupted when it is penyumbatan on the left or right ventricle the bottom of the heart, which causes the electrical impulses and thus slows down the flow of a detour.
Electrical impulses flowing to both ventricles with the same speed and the same time also contracted. This conduction disturbance causes one of which contracted more slowly.
4. Premature Contraction
Premature atrial contractions (PAC) of or from the ventricle (PVC) cause heart beats early and skip the usual rate. Patients will experience a sign such as palpitations, commonly experienced teenagers and children.
5. Tachycardia
Fast heart rate which is more 100 rate per minute for adult due to interruption of the electrical signals at the top of the heart that comes from the sinus node. Early rate series increase at atrium speed beat and cause blood not meet ventricle before contracted and affect blood flow to the body.
6. Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventricle in the bottom of the heart beats irregularly, i.e. faster and this problem can be life-threatening because the heart cannot pump blood in turn resulting in faintness and followed by a heart attack.
7. Adam Stokes Disease
Interruption in the flow of heart rate the top to the bottom of the causes of heart blockage. When clogged, heart rate becomes slow and affect blood flow to the brain.Patients can faint and getting seizures.
8. Atrial Flutter
Electrical signal causing atrial muscle fast shrinking rapidly and result in the heart being swift.
9. Sick Sinus Syndrome
The sinus node does not launch properly, electrical signals cause the heart rate so slow. Heart rate is also sometimes switch from slow became fast.
10. Sinus Arrhythmia
Cycle rate heart rate during breathing and is common in children.
11. Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Abnormal pathway between the atrium and ventricle causes electrical signals arrive in the ventricle too early and goes back into the atrium. Rate heart rate that is too strong currents, causing electrical signals bouncing between the atrium and the ventricle. Patients with this syndrome does not show any sign of high risk but died suddenly.